CNT-AIT texts in english


Les membres de l’Association des Jeunes Travailleurs (GIDER : Genç İşçi Derneği), nous avons participé a la manifestation contre la crise le 8 decembre dernier à Bakırköy [(Istanbul) avec nos slogans, nos drapeaux noirs et notre rébellion. La semaine dernière, nous avons prepare la manifestation en distribuant des tracts et en collant des affiches dans differents quartiers de la ville, pour aue se leve la colère des opprimés.

Nous sommes ceux qui ne peuvent pas acheter de vetements pour nos enfants.

Nous sommes ceux qui n’ont pas les moyens de payer les factures.

Nous travaillons 14 heures par jour avec un salaire minimum.

Nous sommes ceux qui n’ont pas été payés depuis 4 mois.

Nous sommes ceux qui ne peuvent plus payer leur loyer.

Nous sommes ceux dont la vie est volée.

Nous sommes les opprimés.

Ils ne nous donneront pas nos droits. Nous devrons les prendre.

Ils ne nous donnerons pas notre pain. Nous devrons le prendre.

Ils ne nous donnerons pas la justice. Nous devrons la prendre.

Ils ne nous donneront pas la liberté. Nous devrons la prendre..

La victoire se gagne dans la rue avec la lutte.

Nous n’abandonnerons jamais la lutte contre le capitalisme, qui est lui-même une crise, comme c’est le cas aujourd’hui. Nous continuerons de crier que tous les patrons sont des voleurs. Ce combat n’est pas seulement le combat d’aujourd’hui. Il est maintenant temps de se battre.

Tant que les pouvoirs existent, tant que le capitalisme existe, cette lutte continuera. Nous continuerons notre combat avec notre drapeau noir contre l’injustice partout.
Vive la liberté, vive l’anarchisme!
Yaşasın Özgürlük, Yaşasın Anarşizm!

CHILE : Some news from Germinal Anarchist Group (2019-12-04).  » just know it’s not Marx. It’s more like Bakunin. »

Dear companions,

[After one month of harsh struggle] here in Concepción we have not yet had detained companions, or prisoners, even if some have been wounded with pellets in the first weeks of struggle.

Here a strong presence has been maintained in the street and also in some neighborhoods organizing or participating in self-convened assemblies, where the way of organizing has been very interesting, very anarchist style. It has been possible to maintain a strong fight until today December 3 without lowering our arms, everywhere in the same way, this in Santiago, Valparaiso, Iquique, Tocopilla, Puerto monte, that is to say in almost the entire national territory.

I send you a text, which we sent at the beginning of the popular uprising and which is still very valid. Especially today, that the government has pointed out that the enemies that started the fires, looting and that today maintain the streets taken are the Anarchists, therefore, they seek to initiate a repressive campaign against groups and individuals.

Germinal Anarchist Group

Concepcion Chile, 2019-12-04
(illustrations: images of popular assemblies in Santiago and Temuco neighborhoods)


Après plus d’un mois de manifestations dans la région chilienne : Déclaration du SOV (Sindicato Oficios Varios Santiago)

Bien que le mécontentement [populaire] était présent au Chili depuis de nombreuses années c’était le silence qui régnait dans la population. À contrecœur, les gens exprimaient leur mécontentement, toujours sans crier, toujours obéissants, sachant que le travail est finalement la seule chose qui apporte notre pitance. Et si nous sommes attentifs à l’histoire, il n’y a pas si longtemps, au Chili crier et se lever signifiait des balles, du sang et la mort. C’est ce même manque de justice et d’impunité, et l’indignité de nous avoir fait courber l’échine tant d’années, qui nous ont fait envahir les rues de tout le pays. Les gens ont ouvert leurs yeux pour voir un gouvernement, source d’injustice sur tous les fronts et dans tous les aspects de nos vies. Voilà ce qui a généré un soulèvement social. Tout le mécontentement s’est matérialisé, ils ne s’agissait plus de petits groupes isolés encourageant des revendications, c’est la population dans son ensemble qui s’est arrêtée et qui a dit « ASSEZ ! » (basta !). L’air du temps de l’opinion publique [a changé], on a commencé à mentionner toutes les revendications et les réclamations jamais entendues, les oubliés ont pris la parole. Ce qui s’est passé le vendredi 18 octobre, a été une étape bien franchie, c’est la marche de la population qui s’est prolongée depuis plus de un mois, et dont nous savons qu’il ne doit pas s’arrêter.


Each year since 1992, the second week of October, is organized the International day of solidarity with fast-Food workers. Join the international movement against exploitation and injustice! AIT-IWA (international workers association) Facebook : @iwa-ait   Twitter :@IWAAIT Bahasa Indonesia : Bergabung bersama gerakan internasionalmenentang eksploitasi dan ketidakadilan ! En français : FAST FOOD EXPLOITATION ET […]

The Arab Spring: failed revolutions and a successful transfer of power

From our friends of Tunisian Anarchist Union, translated by our compañeros of ASF-IWA Australia :
The Arab Spring: failed revolutions and a successful transfer of power

It seems as if there is a predetermined pattern or a pre-equipped program for all the so-called (Arab Spring revolutions), demonstrations against a corrupt and decaying old authority, suppressed by the regime’s police forces, the army intervenes to stop the repression after a while and declares itself a neutral force outside the regime and rule among the political forces The Salafis were used as a scarecrow to frighten the liberal forces, handing power to the right wing of the regime represented in the moderate political Islam (the Brotherhood) for a while, and then transferring power to other wings of the former regime, wings that did not emerge in the first rows of it, the above.

Formelly speaking, this is almost a full success !

What happened in all the Arab Spring revolutions, with different differences imposed by the local circumstances of each state, the Islamists always enter the line, always end up handing over power to the former regime, the army always plays the role of neutral government, and the revolutionary movement always ends in a worse economic and political situation.

On the political front, liberals like to call these revolutions failures, while the traditional left atributes those failures to external conspiracies against [sovereignty and] national regimes. All this shows us on the contrary that those Revolutions have succeeded in fulfilling their mission.

We can, of course, justify and explain this view

But let’s start by defining the pattern of movement of these revolutions from within:


Bogotá (Colombia) 10/09/2019


The pressures made by the International Monetary Fund have led to the reduction of wages by up to 20% and the elimination of taxes on the importation of agricultural machinery and raw materials. The increases in the price of fuel impacted the public transport sector who led the demonstrations on October, 3d. On October, 4th, students and workers joined the movement, so the demonstrations in the city of Quito took on an insurgent nature.

The indigenous communities decided to join the movement and reach the city of Quito, joining forces with the workers and students, since the transport union ceased its struggle once the transport rates increases had been agreed by false representatives of that union.

ECUADOR : « Who financed the indigenous movement? »

There are people who are dreaming of monsters:
Who financed the indigenous movement?

During the 11 days of the National Strike, an imaginary of a strike financed by correismo (from Correa, the former President of Republic of Ecuador, who is currently hidden in Beligium in order to escpe the trial for corruption …) was built, and then after they said it was Maduro pulling the strings. … it seemed that the media had a clear script, in order to keep Lenin Moreno as President and build the necessary elements to convince the people that an attempted coup d’etat was going on..

But what is the reply to the question “who financed the indigenous movement for eleven days ?”

CNT-AIT Spain : Solidarity with prisoners on hunger strike and with Antoine Nieto Galindo

Next Saturday, October 19, 2019, at 18h, the CNT-AIT Catalunya will organize on the Angels’ Plaza in Barcelona, ​​an informative and solidarity action with prisoners on hunger strike and with Antoine Nieto Galindo. Antoine, a social and anarchist rebel, is the oldest political prisoner in Europe (and perhaps the world oldest political prisoner, a sad record …) He has been imprisoned for more than 50 years for not having given in to the injustices of the penitentiary system. Although seriously ill, these same prison injustices prevent him from getting out of prison, thus not respecting the bourgeois laws themselves.

ECUADOR : This is not over, it has only just begun.

These long days of mobilization have shown us that mutual support exists, and that the anarchist utopia is still alive, because for a few days the park of “El Arbolito” and its surroundings became that place, that place where the people defended itself, fed, cared for, cured and attended the people. Food, medicine and clothing arrived without stopping, while in the barricades the popular guard resisted the advances of the police and cleared any tear bomb that could affect the brothers who were inside the park.

By another side, many hands were still available to prepare the food that arrived, the food was never lacking, the bread was never lacking, in each corner someone offered you water, juice, fruit or a “tarrina” (tub) of food, while congratulating you and encouraging you to continue in the fight.

Long chains of people could be seen moving stones to build and supply the barricades, while at the shouting of « Medico ! » the brigade was attending to mobilize and assist the wounded comrades in battle.

Thus, each of us brought and contributed, on the battlefield, in the chain, in the shelter, in the kitchen, in the medical brigade, and in each of the places that allowed this mobilization to be possible.

An example of anarchosyndicalist struggle: CNT-AIT versus BURGER KING

The “Amalgameted Workers CNT-AIT Union” in the city of Albacete (Spain), informed the whole staff of the Burger King’s restaurants in this city of the dispute they initiated against the management of the company, for their systematic violation of the rights of workers and unions.

The CNT-AIT union is made up of Burger King workers and other workers in An example of anarchosyndicalist struggle: CNT-AIT Albacete(SPAIN) against BURGER KING

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