CNT-AIT texts in english

About « Comrade » Trotsky …

On the occasion of the remembrance of the assassination of Trotsky by the Stalinists 80 years ago, some shed crocodile tears over the (evil) genius of the Russian revolution.We could recall his role in the repression of non-Bolshevik Russian revolutionaries after 17, in the crushing of the insurrectionary army in Ukraine (makhnovstchina), or even his […]

[Spain] Public health privatization, the Spanish health nightmare …

August 8, 2020, CNT-AIT, Barcelona, Never before has there been so much awareness in Spain of the value of public health and of the serious deficiencies it suffers as during this Covid-19 crisis. In Spain, in 1997 the door was opened to the privatization of public health through Law 15/97 on enabling new forms […]

The Chomsky effect or State’s anarchism

(From: Oiseau-tempête no. 9, summer 2002, originally in French, translated into English by Anonymous, published in CNT-AIT magazine on ) The beginning of 2001 saw an editorial infatuation arise for the writings of Noam Chomsky, noticeable since 1998. Several collections have been published (notably by the publisher Agone), as well as interviews; a part of […]


le Capitalisme c’est la guerre ! (français, anglais, esperanto, turc, kurde, arabe, persan, hébreu) Modèle d’autocollants anti-guerre à imprimer sur des planches autocollantes adhésives : (lire la suite pour télécharger la planche complète) Planche complète d’autocollants A4 à télécharger et imprimer sur des étiquettes autocollantes (format 8 étiquettes / page) καπιταλισμος – ειναι πολεμος !

Mort aux vaches ! Death to the brutes (1943)

Following is a complete translation of the anarchist postertitled « Death to The Brutes. » One hundred fifty copies wereprinted in August, 1943 ; it was signed InternationalRevolutionary Syndicalist Federation (F.I.S.R.). « Mort aux vaches » means litteraly « death to cows ». In French, policemen are traditionnaly represtend by cows and not by pigs, as in english world. So the […]

To All Intellectual And Manual Workers (1943)

The following is a complete translation of a text written in
Marseille in 1943 by Jean Sauliere (alias Andre Arru), Voline
and other comrades. Between 3,000 and 5,000 copies were printed
in Toulouse, at the Printshop of the Lions brothers, who were firends of CGTSR, the French Section of IWA of that tme.

It was signed International Revolutionary
Syndicalist Federation (F.I.S.R. was the French acronym).
Translations and Summaries by Charlatan Stew
Seattle, U.S.A., 1995
Taken from:

Information Bulletin – Special Covid19 SRAS2 – Health and care Workers

The Coronavirus pandemic affects all countries and will have an impact – direct or indirect – on the lives of billions of people. It is important despite the crises we are going through to keep our critical mind, to try to understand how we got into this situation, how to cope, and how to imagine […]

We are against all religions, including Islam.. Interview with « A union of anarchists of Iran and Afghanistan »

(text sent by of their interview with Pramen website. French version here)

Your community is called « A union of anarchists of Iran and Afghanistan ». What moved you to unite particulary between these two countries ? Geographical proximity ? Absence of language barrier ? Transparent border between countries ? Common history ?

“1. Since anarchism is a politics against borders and states, when it comes to Iran and Afghanistan, they are names given to the two regions, not to justify the existence of these borders or states, but because our struggles and revolutionary demands are universal and not specific to particular areas. The reason for the union of anarchists in Iran and Afghanistan is sharing a common language among comrades, and associations between anarchists in the two regions.”


To date, unlike what happened with H1N1 in 2009, many of us healthcare workers have not received our endowment of FFP2 masks needed to treat patients. While the state had two months to build up reserves of these much-needed protections, it seems it has done nothing. A practitioner explains: « Not shaking hands with our patients […]

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