The Coronavirus pandemic affects all countries and will have an impact – direct or indirect – on the lives of billions of people. It is important despite the crises we are going through to keep our critical mind, to try to understand how we got into this situation, how to cope, and how to imagine solutions for after the crisis.
IWA is the International Workers Association. It brings together worldwide workers, gathered into national sections, who recognize themselves in the principles, tactics and purposes of anarchosyndicalism. We want to contribute to this necessary work of collective critical reflection about the situation.
By this bulletin, we have gathered texts produced by IWA sections, or groups we feel close to, who are active in the health and care sector. It emerges from these articles that overall the situation is the same everywhere: lack of means, lack of training, staff sacrificed by an unpreparedness of the health services which have been destroyed for several years in the name of managerial efficiency and financial profitability. Today we see the effectiveness of these restructurings … otal havoc … This disorganization and even this chaos are not the fruit of chance, they are not due to anarchists, they are the result of the combined action of the State and Capitalism. To save humanity, we have no choice but to organize collectively to put an end to the state and capitalism.
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« Anarchy is the highest expression of Order. « (E RECLUS)
Let’s finish with the Chaos of State and Capitalism!
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– Care worker organising in a pandemic (Sol Fed, UK, 2020-04-10) 2
– War triage, containment and the role of the working class (CNT-AIT, Spain, 2020-04-03) 3
– Careworkers: Cannon fodder to the coronavirus? (SolFed, UK, 2020-04-08) 4
– In front of the current folly, we oppose experience. Statement from the CNT-AIT Madrid’s Health Section (CNT-AIT, Spain, 2020-03-28) 6
– Professional elections are not protective for unionists, they are a lure and a trap ! No to repression against workers in Health sector ! (CNT-AIT, France, Spain, 2020-04-07) 8
– Even (and especially) during a crisis, Direct action get the goods ! (CNT-AIT, France, 2020-04-07) 9
– Care workers are not soldiers! (CNT-AIT, France, 2020-04-05) 9
– Mutual aid in action: IWA sections exemples of concrete solidarity (BASF-IWA Bangladesh, ZSP-IWA Poland, March 2020) 10
– This System is Making Us Sick (IWA Secretariat, 2020-03-16) 10
– Workers Autonomous Confederation of Bulgaria position in connection with the Global pandemia and introductoin of the emergency state (ARC, Bulgaria, 2020-03-13) 12
– Coronavirus : while politicians chitchat, workers are suffering ! (CNT-AIT, France, 2020-03-08)
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