CNT-AIT texts in english

Solidarity with our comrades on strike at the bakery, La Conquête du pain in Montreuil!

Die Fehlende Klassenanalyse führt immer zu selben zuerst selbst- und dann fremdausbeuterischen Strukturen, wo die „ach-so-wichtigen-Projekte“ auf jeden Fall über die Verhinderung von ökonomischer Ausbeutung gestellt wird (gegen die man eigentlich einmal angetreten ist). Egal ob in der Bäckerei „Die Eroberung des Brotes“ in Frankreich, oder dem Gagarin in Wien. Auch in Montreuil wollen Chefs […]

Emma Goldman, witness of the IWA founding Congress in Berlin in december 1922

A letter from Goldman to Carl Newlander, 12 January 1923, in the IISG archives Wayne Thorpe writes beautifully about this in more detail in « The Workers Themselves ». It content a fascinating account by Emma Goldman of how the Berlin police interrupted meetings and arrested several foreign anarchists at the founding of the IWA (@IWAAIT […]

Peace to the cottages, War on the Palaces!

The invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army is only the consequence of a geopolitical and economic system fundamentally inhuman. By systematically pushing populations against each-others through nationalism, by making the quest for power and the search for the best profit the ultimate goal of everyone’s life, this system – constitued of the Capitalism and […]

The anarchists of Afghanistan have been provided with shelter thanks to the international network of the AIT-IWA

1st of February, 2022 Thanks to the generous solidarity of more than 226 donators from more than 15 countries on the 5 continents, the anarchists of  Afghanstan have been sucessfuly sheltered. On August 15, 2021, to the general surprise of the whole world, the Taliban entered Kabul and the corrupt regime supported by the American […]

Against War [Principles of anarchosyndicalism, 1922, International Workers Association]

Against War and Militarism: Resolution of the IWA Founding Congress (1922) Militarism is the system of monopolistic State violence for the purpose of defence and expansion of the national theatre of exploitation (defensive war or war of aggression), for bringing fresh theatres of exploitation under control (colonial war) and for coming down hard on the […]


This analysis of the current insurrectional movement in Sudan by Sudanese anarchists, echoes another analysis that we wrote 20 years ago, following the uprising in Argentina. The multiplication of movements in the world which « shatter the old ideological molds by putting into practice two new assets (which will henceforth be those of the international class […]


التضامن مع الانتفاضة في السودان! SOLIDARITE AVEC LES INSURGES DU SOUDAN ! SOLIDARIDAD CON LOS INSURGENTES EN SUDAN ! In December 2018,  under the banner of « peace, freedom, justice », a generalized popular uprising  exploded in Sudan  against the dictator Omar Al-Bashir who had been reigning his Islamist terror for 30 years long. After 4 months […]

Spain 1936, Ethiopia 2021: the fight against fascism continues …

leaflet distributed at the Vernet Concentration Camp on the occasion of Heritage Days. Because memory is useless if it does not highlight today’s struggles … Eighty years ago, at the concentration camp Vernet d’Ariège (France), Tecle HAGOS died. The plaque on his grave reads « August 19, 1941, Ethiopian ». Not much is known about his life, […]

Bangladesh: the bitter taste of the Wage Board for Tea workers

To the memory of our Compañero Sujit of BASF-AIT, who passed away at the age of 38 after contracting Covid-19. Sujit had worked his entire life on the tea plantation from boyhood and leaves behind his partner, two sons and a daughter. Bangladesh BASF-AIT recently distributed its solidarity support to 150 families, those who are […]

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