Télécharger le tract au format PDF Le 15 octobre 2022, une jeune travailleuse de l’entreprise Coréenne de boulangerie et restauration rapide « Paris Baguette » est morte sur son lieu de travail, à Pyeongtaek, à 65 kilomètres au sud de Séoul. La jeune femme a été happée par un mixeur géant dans lequel elle versait […]


On October 15, 2022, a young worker from the Korean bakery / fast food company « Paris Baguette » died at her workplace in Pyeongtaek, 65 kilometers south of Seoul. The young woman was grabbed by a giant blender in which she was pouring ingredients. To save time during the work, it seems that the management had […]

(Boycott Qatar 2022) قاطعوا قطر 2022

هناك العديد من الأسباب لمقاطعة المشهد الإعلامي لكأس العالم للأموال القذرة في قطر. هناك أكثر من 6500 حتى!6500 هو الحد الأدنى المقدر لعدد العمال الذين لقوا حتفهم لبناء ملاعب مكيفة الهواء في وسط الصحراء ، والتي ستخدم فقط لمدة 5760 دقيقة من مباريات الكرة عند القدم.لقد صنعنا صورة مرئية لنقول ذلك بصوت عال وواضح بلغات […]

¡Libertad para Kirill Ukraintsev, sindicalista, víctima del régimen ruso!

Despues de 20 años al mando de la Federación Rusa, Putin libra una auténtica guerra contra el pueblo de Rusia, cuya situación económica y social sigue deteriorándose. Para tratar de ocultar la situación, además del desarrollo de campañas de intoxicación y propaganda, el régimen silencia por todos los medios a quienes se atreven a alzar […]

Zamfir C. Arbure: Memorile unui anarhist din România

Despre nici o alta ţară europeană nu se ştie atât de puţin în privinţa mişcării anarhiste şi anarho-sindicaliste cât se ştie despre România. Deşi învecinată la sud cu Bulgaria unde mişcarea a atins una dintre cele mai extinse, mai numeroase si mai durabile influenţe sociale de până atunci, (ca în final sa fie trecută în […]

Can we compare the involvement of some Ukrainian anarchists in the Ukrainian Army with that of some Spanish anarchists in the French Resistance? (A reply to « Did the anarchists who liberated Paris support the oligarchs? »)

Regarding the participation of spanish anarchists in the French resistance against Nazis … Can we compare the involvement of some Ukrainian anarchists in the Ukrainian Army with that of some Spanish anarchists in the French Resistance? (A reply to “Did the anarchists who liberated Paris support the oligarchs?”) (Published 10 November 2022 by CNT-AIT France) […]

Liberdade para Kirill Ukraintsev, sindicalista, vítima do regime russo!

. Com mais de 20 anos à frente da Federação Russa, Putin tem travado uma verdadeira guerra contra o povo da Rússia, cuja situação económica e social continua a piorar. Para tentar esconder a situação, além do desenvolvimento de campanhas de intoxicação e propaganda, o regime silencia por todos os meios aqueles que ousam falar […]

The solidarity of workers across borders despite the war is also a struggle … Down with nationalism that poisons the minds of workers!

War does not abolish the relations of domination within a society, it does not eliminate the differences between the rich and the poor. It even tends to accentuate them by allowing the emerging of new riches, the war profiteers. In times of war, as in times of peace, the goal of Capitalists, of those who […]

Freedom for Kirill Ukraintsev, unionist victim of the arbitrariness of the Russian regime!

For more than 20 years at the head of the Russian Federation, Putin is waging a real war against the people of Russia, whose economic and social situation continues to worsen. To try to hide the situation, in addition to the development of hoax and propaganda campaigns, the regime silences by all means all those […]

Le poison nationaliste et la difficile solidarité entre travailleurs par-delà les frontières …

La solidarité des travailleurs par-dessus les frontières malgré la guerre est aussi un combat … A bas le nationalisme qui empoisonne l’esprit des travailleurs ! La guerre n’abolit pas les rapports de domination au sein d’une société, elle ne supprime pas les différences entre les riches et les pauvres. Elle a même plutôt tendance à […]

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