Sejarah Singkat Anarkisme Di Indonesia

oleh Gloria Truly Estrelita, Jim Donaghey, Sarah Andrieu and Gabriel Facal [diterjemahkan dari bahasa Inggris oleh Gloria Truly Estrelita] Source : 19 Desember 2022 [Juga tersedia untuk dibaca dalam bahasa Inggris]. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, istilah ‘anarki’ identik dengan perilaku rusuh dari beberapa kelompok yang berbeda, mulai dari fundamentalis Islam hingga penggemar sepak bola. Negara […]

A Brief History of Anarchism in Indonesia

Gloria Truly Estrelita, Jim Donaghey, Sarah Andrieu and Gabriel Facal, 19th December 2022 Source : In the Indonesian language, the term ‘anarki’ is synonymous with the riotous behaviour of a disparate range of groups, including everything from Islamic fundamentalists to football fans. The state has played a role in shaping this popular discourse of […]

وقتشه انقلابه، راهش هم اعتصابه عمومی [Iran : Il est temps pour une révolution, et le chemin est une grève générale]

وقتشه انقلابه، راهش هم اعتصابه عمومی اعتراض، اعتصاب، میرسه به انقلاب فقر، فساد، گرونی، میریم تا سرنگونی Il est temps pour une révolution, et le chemin est une grève générale  Manifestations, grèves, mènent à la révolution Pauvreté, corruption, cherté, on va vous renverser It’s time for a revolution, and the way is a general […]

2022 : Uluslararası İşçi Derneği 28. Kongresi : AIT Yüzüncü Yıl

Poland, ZSP: Uluslararası İşçi Derneği 28. Kongresi Date Thu, 29 Dec 2022 28. IWA Kongresi 9-11 Aralık tarihlerinde Alcoy İspanya’da gerçekleşti. Kongre çalışmalarına ZSP’den bir grup delege ve gözlemci katıldı. Aşağıda, Uluslararası İşçi Birliği’nin 100. yılını anan bu etkinliğin bir anlatımı yer almaktadır. —- IWA Kongreleri her üç yılda bir yapılır: sonuncusu 2019’da Avustralya’nın Melbourne […]

For 100 år siden: IAAs stiftelseskongress ble avbrutt to ganger av tysk politi!

Da den syndikalistiske internasjonalen, Internasjonale Arbeider- Assosiasjon, holdt sin stiftelseskongress ved årsskiftet 1922-1923, var det mot en bakgrunn av store omveltninger. Første verdenskrig var avsluttet noen år tidligere, en krig som umiddelbart ble fulgt av omfattende revolusjonære bevegelser i en rekke land, og satte varige trender i verdens utvikling. Under krigen kollapset den sosialdemokratiske internasjonalen, […]

From revolutionary syndicalism to anarchosyndicalism: The birth of the International Workers Association (AIT-IWA)

Pamphlet, 64 pages. You can download the PDF here: To receive the paper version send an email to with your address or write to CNT-AIT, 7 rue St Remesy, 31000 TOULOUSE, FRANCE Table of Contents From revolutionary syndicalism to anarchosyndicalism: The birth of the International Workers Association (IWA) in Berlin, 1922 AIT-IWA’s founding […]

ئەنارکیزم و ئەنارکۆسەندیکالیزم- ڕودۆلف ڕۆکەر

ئەنارکیزم و ئەنارکۆسەندیکالیزم نووسینی ڕودۆڵف ڕۆکەر وەرگێرانی : ھەژێن بۆ داگرتن و چاپکردنی لەسەر کاخەز، لەسەر ەئو لینکەی خوارەوە کلیکبکە

Sudanese Anarchists Gathering تجمع الأناركيين السودانيين 

Repository of the Facebook page of the Sudanese Anarchists Gathering تجمع الأناركيين السودانيين 9 décembre 2022 شوفو هداك المدني الخاين في حضن العسكر راقد نايم باعو القضية في اول لفة باعو لانهم عمرهم ما اعترفوا بي شهيد ولا دم شهيد البموت مجرد رقم في دفتر المساومة حاجة كدا عشان يفاصلو بيها عشان كرسي او […]

From revolutionary syndicalism to anarchosyndicalism: The birth of the International Workers Association (IWA) in Berlin, 1922 [Arthur Lehning]

[1] Lecture delivered at the Congress on Anarchosyndicalism organized by the Instituto di Storia Contemporánea del Movimento Opéralo e Contadino, Ferrara, 1977 Before the First World War, revolutionary syndicalism was largely assimilated to that of the French CGT, it considered in some way a model for several organizations in other countries, all of which approved […]

AIT-IWA’s founding congress twice interrupted by German police

Source : When the anarchosyndicalist international, AIT-IWA held its foundation congress at the turn of the years 1922-1923, it was against a background of great upheavals. World War I had ended a few years earlier, a war which was immediately followed by widespread revolutionary movements in a number of countries, setting lasting trends in […]

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