Following is a complete translation of the anarchist poster titled « Death to The Brutes. » (« mort aux vaches ») One hundred fifty copies were printed in August, 1943 ; it was signed « International Revolutionary Syndicalist Federation« (F.I.S.R. was the French acronym), a clear allusion to CGTSR (CGT Syndicaliste Révolutionnaire, the French Section of IWA of pre-war time.
« Mort aux vaches » means litteraly « death to cows ». In French, policemen are traditionnaly represtend by cows and not by pigs, as in english world. So the title could be understand today as ACAB, or more generally death to all brutes and leaders of all kind.
Death to the brutes
Worker !
From East to West, from South to North, throughout the world, for three years, to a greater or lesser extent, you have been paying the price of the battle unleashed by your masters.
Thousands of proletarians of all countries are dying, while men of finance, politics and war, brutes that they are, congratulate each other, giving speeches, sharing out the benefits, and dividing the wealth and privileges among themselves.
Remember, you veteran of the « war to end all wars, » when you came home in 1918, still blood-stained from that infamous butchery which left ten million dead, twenty million injured, ten million permanently disabled, three million missing and millions of widows and orphans–then you said, and promised,
Now, again, the military beasts have got their hands on you. All over the world, men are no longer men, they are serial numbers.
How long will this last?
Until the proletarians of the whole world understand that they have only one enemy: THEIR LEADERS.
Until the proletarians of the whole world fraternize, unite and finally charge forward, armed with bayonets still wet with their brothers’ blood, to stab in the ass all the governing and war-mongering charlatans.
Proletarians: In 1919 and in 1936 you shouted, « DEATH TO ALL BRUTES !«
Now, in 1943, don’t shout, ACT.
Kill ALL of them, whether they wear a swastika, a red star, the Order of the
Garter, the Lorraine Cross (1) or the francisque (2).
(1) Lorraine cross is the symbol of Gaullist movement
(2) Francisque was the symbol of the pro-nazi French State of Vichy

On the same topic :
1939-1945: Anarchist activity in France during World War II
To All Intellectual And Manual Workers (1943)
Mort aux vaches ! Death to the brutes (1943)
The Ukrainian roots of the 1936 Spanish revolution
Can we compare the involvement of some Ukrainian anarchists in the Ukrainian Army with that of some Spanish anarchists in the French Resistance? (A reply to « Did the anarchists who liberated Paris support the oligarchs? »)
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