Since May 12, 2021 the civilian population in Gaza has undergoing an atrocious military aggression. We have seen also in Israel unbearable lynching scenes. It is neither the first time in History nor to the only place in the world, that civilians, women and children, are slaughtered by a Power guilty of crime against humanity. […]
CNT-AIT texts in english
Beyond the Balaclavas of South East Mexico
Charles Reeve, Sylvie Deneuve, Marc Geoffroy Originanly published in 1996 in France, this text is an anarchist critique the EZLN and commercial indigenism. « EZLN is double-dealing the young lumpen-proletarians who make up its base. It provides them with a collective identity at a time of intense social destructuring, but channels their revolt into a military […]
How are we to establish a truly free and egalitarian society?
by Ba Jin These days these words “freedom and equality” are part of the vocabulary of each and every one of us. But make a few inquiries and ask: What is freedom? and you will be told “Freedom means freedom of opinion, freedom of the press, freedom of association and assembly, the freedom of secrecy […]
Grande-Bretagne: La montée alarmante du Virgin Care de Branson et la menace pour le système de santé publique (NHS)
11/01/2018, SolFed-AIT, Le « bon vieux » Sir Richard Branson a une fois de plus réussi à se placer en tête de la file d’attente pour recevoir des dons de l’État. Après avoir passé des années à transformer l’argent public en profits massifs chez Virgin Rail (la SNVF anglaise qu’il a acheté lors de sa privatisation), […]
Another Future for health !
Another Future for health #2
international information for health workers from anarchosyndicalist perspective
News and analysis from France, Spain, UK, Serbia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Austria, Germany, Iran, Bangladesh, Poland
30 pages, to be downloaded
This article is the chapter 3 of the book « Zen at War by Brian (Daizen) A. Victoria« . (New York & Tokyo: Weatherhill, 1997. pp. 66–73.) This author is not an anarchist, but a contemporary follower of Zen Buddhism, who tries to understand why and how Zen Buddhism was able to constitute one of the pillars […]
The other assault on the Capitol 25 years ago …
For French people, the Capitol is not only the US institution, it is also the name of the City Hall of Toulouse, 4th city in France in term of inhabitants, and France’s capital of anarchist movement since one century. This story of the assault on the Capitol Hill in Washington reminds me of another assault, […]
HISTORY: HOW DID SPANISH ANARCHOSYNDICALISTS MANAGED THE PUBLIC HEALT DURING THE 36 ‘s REVOLUTION? (An example of libertarian communism applied in accute health crisis time)
Health questions have played a very big role in the structuring of anarchist thought in Spain, since its appearance at the end of the 19th century. Health professionals, doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, pharmacists … have played a very active role in framing the anarchist movement, from an ideological, theoretical, practical and organizational point of view. […]
Send emails to the General manager to support miners in their claim. For respect and dignity, the miners of Touissit take direct action and occupy their mine: Solidarity! According to Aziz Rebbah, Minister of Energy, Mines and Environment of Morocco, « the mining sector is a pillar of the economic and social development of the country ». […]
Argentina 2001 : Lessons For Anarchism
First publication in Le Combat Syndicaliste Midi-Pyrénées CNT-AIT # 73 – April/May 2002 Since winter inhabitants of Argentina are attacking the State, holding its accomplices from left and extreme left to ridicule. They challenge capitalism, create general assemblies to a large scale never seen since 1936 Spain; and all that without any leader coming on […]