CNT-AIT texts in english

Kropotkin and the rebuilding of the International Workers Association (AIT)

Source : In December 2022, international anarchosyndicalism celebrates two anniversaries : the 100th anniversary of the rebuilding of the International Workers Association (AIT-IWA), and 180 years since the birth of the most prominent theorist of anarcho-communism, Peter Kropotkin. This coincidence of dates can be considered symbolic. Kropotkin was never a member of any revolutionary-syndicalist […]

MPT Acharya : from Indian nationalism to anarchosyndicalism

M.P.T. Acharya was born on 15th April 1887 in Chennai into a Bhramin family. From early years he was involved in the nationalist struggle. He edited a nationalist magazine for his uncle. When the periodical was suppressed by the colonial authorities Acharya had to escape to French controlled Pondicherry. Sensing he was not safe there […]

Can we compare the involvement of some Ukrainian anarchists in the Ukrainian Army with that of some Spanish anarchists in the French Resistance? (A reply to « Did the anarchists who liberated Paris support the oligarchs? »)

Regarding the participation of spanish anarchists in the French resistance against Nazis … Can we compare the involvement of some Ukrainian anarchists in the Ukrainian Army with that of some Spanish anarchists in the French Resistance? (A reply to “Did the anarchists who liberated Paris support the oligarchs?”) (Published 10 November 2022 by CNT-AIT France) […]

The solidarity of workers across borders despite the war is also a struggle … Down with nationalism that poisons the minds of workers!

War does not abolish the relations of domination within a society, it does not eliminate the differences between the rich and the poor. It even tends to accentuate them by allowing the emerging of new riches, the war profiteers. In times of war, as in times of peace, the goal of Capitalists, of those who […]

Freedom for Kirill Ukraintsev, unionist victim of the arbitrariness of the Russian regime!

For more than 20 years at the head of the Russian Federation, Putin is waging a real war against the people of Russia, whose economic and social situation continues to worsen. To try to hide the situation, in addition to the development of hoax and propaganda campaigns, the regime silences by all means all those […]

Déclaration de solidarité et de soutien aux luttes populaires en Iran et au Kurdistan [français, farsi, anglais, suédois]

بیانیه ی همبستگی و پشتیبانی از مبارزات مردم در ایران و کوردستان . Aujourd’hui, 1er octobre 2022, une manifestation de solidarité et de soutien à la lutte des peuples iranien et kurde s’est tenue dans la partie centrale de Stockholm où le représentant du Conseil de solidarité iranien pour le Rojava à Stockholm et de […]

Anarchosyndicalism and Climate change (A contribution to the debate)

A summary of the state of art of CNT-AIT France collective reflexion about the topic. A call for a working group has been launched in the AIT (International Workers’ Association) on the issue of the anarchosyndicalist approach to the problem of climate change. I offer you here the state of my personal reflection, but which […]

Hartal (general strike) and popular uprising in Sri Lanka

We share some information collected in the international media (RFI, BBC) but also from militant sources (Asia Under-secretariat of the AIT, AsiaCommune, social networks contacts, …) of what happened on Saturday July 9 Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, popular uprising day. The general situation is catastrophic With the Covid, tourism – the country’s main […]

Solidarity with our comrades on strike at the bakery, La Conquête du pain in Montreuil!

Die Fehlende Klassenanalyse führt immer zu selben zuerst selbst- und dann fremdausbeuterischen Strukturen, wo die „ach-so-wichtigen-Projekte“ auf jeden Fall über die Verhinderung von ökonomischer Ausbeutung gestellt wird (gegen die man eigentlich einmal angetreten ist). Egal ob in der Bäckerei „Die Eroberung des Brotes“ in Frankreich, oder dem Gagarin in Wien. Auch in Montreuil wollen Chefs […]

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