Actualité de l'Anarchosyndicalisme

Solidarity with the Social Protests in France: Resistance to Capitalism, Exploitation!and the State!

__The IWA would like to show its solidarity with the social protests occuring in France which are yet another example of resistance to the overbearing exploitation that working people around the world are facing. Below we would like to publish parts of a text sent by the CNT-AIT and an appeal for solidarity.__

El reverso de las cartas: el viaje a Europa o el intento de marketing político del EZLN hacia la izquierda y la juventud europea …

Artículo en el diario mexicano Proceso[1], que permite comprender las intenciones detrás del viaje a Europa del EZLN: fortalecer los vínculos que se habían desatado con la izquierda europea, reavivar la llama del EZLN en el corazón de la nueva generación militante, para dar nueva vida a su base de apoyo. Porque, como explica el […]


KAÇAK ÇALISTIRMA, YASADISI ÇALISTIRMA, TEHLIKELI ÇALISTIRMA: YETER ARTIK ! Fransa’da yasanan issizligin sayesinde, insaatlarin ya da çiftliklerin patronlarinin sagladiklari çikarlar çok fazla: yasadisi islerde, is sözlesmesi yapmadan çalistiriyorlar. Patronlar için bu bir maksimum kazanç: Sosyal güvenlik paralarini yatirmadan, isçilere istedikleri kadar ödeyebilirler (ve hatta sik sik ödemiyorlar da!). Patronlar, isçileri, onlarin sosyal haklarini ellerinden alarak […]

عاشت الحركة الاجتماعية لاصحاب السترات الصفراء و الاناركيين …

تونس في 8 ديسمبر 2018
اندلعت حركات السترات الصّفراء و الاناركيين بكامل جهات فرنسا كردّ فعل على الزيادات المشطة في ثمن المحروقات و اتخذت شكل مواجهات مع البوليس في باريس .

Déclaration de l’Union des Etudiants Anarchistes (Tunisie) : vive la lutte des gilets jaunes et des anarchistes !

Tunisie le 8 décembre 2018 Les mouvements des Gilets jaunes et des anarchistes ont éclaté dans toutes les régions de la France en réponse à la hausse du prix de l’essence et ont pris la forme de confrontations avec la police à Paris notamment. Cependant, ce mouvement a évolué pour répondre à l’arrogance de Macron […]

Interview with Malaysian anarchists (2011)

Date: Sun, 2011-06-19 18:57

While in South East Asia recently Sean Matthews caught up with two Malaysian anarchists who told me about the issues they face as workers and anarchists in their country. Over a few drinks and few hours we discussed the current political and social situation including the problem of race and religion in their country. We exchanged ideas and experiences, the wider international anarchist movement and most important what we can do to assist anarchists in this part of the world.

Below is a slightly edited version of the interview. For security reasons their names are anonymous.

History of Anarchism in Malaya / Singapore / Malaysia

– The The emergence of a workers’ and anarchist movement
– Anarchist Agitation
– The rise and destruction of the anarchist movement
– In modern Malaysia and Singapore

by Vadim Damier, Kirill Limanov

The emergence of a workers’ and anarchist movement

The British Malaya, which consisted of the Straits Settlement colony (Singapore, Penang, Malacca), the Federated and the Non-Federated Malay States under the British protectorate, at the beginning of the 20th century, turned into one of the centers and a kind of foreign base of the Chinese revolutionary movement. Chinese immigrants began to appear on the Malay Peninsula in the first half of the XIX century, but at the end of the century their inflow increased sharply. The main area of their employment was tin mines, and then timber harvesting and other industries. The British authorities actively encouraged the import of labour from China and India. During the first decade of the twentieth century, only 150,000 to 200,000 immigrants from the Celestial Empire traveled to Singapore every year, and although many of them, after working for a while, returned home, a growing number of people remained in Malaya. In 1911, almost 917 thousand Chinese lived on the peninsula, which was more than 34% of the population. Of these, 225 thousand worked in difficult conditions at tin mines (1). Chinese residents also prevailed in the cities: among them were workers, employees and other intellectuals, as well as the richest businessmen and traders. In cities such as Penang and Malacca, the Chinese were the overwhelming majority.

The Chinese of Nanyang (« South Seas », as they called the region of Southeast Asia) were mostly from the southern provinces of Guangdong and Fujian. In Malaya, they were not under the authority of the imperial government in Beijing, and this allowed spreading oppositional and revolutionary sentiments among them.

Malaysia : Chinese Anarchists Started Trade Unions

by Prof Datuk Khoo Kay Kim and Ranjit Singh Malhl

K. Baradan’s article on The men who gave all for justice in The Star (National Day Supplement) of August 31, 1993, is extremely interesting.

It is the first time that the public has been informed of the role the British administration played in the shaping of the trade union movement in Malaya. The man directly responsible for grooming trade unionists and founding trade unions was John Brazier. Baradan pointed out that as early as 1949, Sir Henry Gurney (the High Commissioner assassinated near Fraser’s Hill in 1951), wanted the trade union movement to be controlled by Indians. This partly answers a question which has long been posed in this country, namely “Why is it that the Indians appear to dominate the trade unions ?”

The answer usually given was that the Indians, being more talkative, took more easily to trade unionism. This is almost similar to Harry Miller’s answer to the question : “Why was the communist movement in this country dominated initially by the Hainanese ? “ Miller’s answer was that they had an inferiority complex. This is no more that coffee shop talk.

The Indians were not the pioneers of the trade union movement in this country. The Chinese were. Trade union activities began, clandestinely, after World War I.

Kucing hitam

Gambar kucing hitam juga disebut kucing liar biasanya digambarkan dengan buntut yang mengangkat menyerupai panah dan cakar juga gigi yang mengancam, gambar ini juga dapat diartikan sebagai pergerakan anarkisme, khususnya anarko-sindikalis. Simbol ini pertama digambar oleh Ralph Chaplin, yang merupakan pendiri dari kelompok IWW. Digambar untuk memperlihatkan pergerakan mogok kerja mereka dengan cara yang radikal […]

CNT-AIT (F): anarcho-syndicalists participate in the mobilizations of the yellow vests

[Gilet Jaunes / 17 Novembre / Soutien International / Anglais] The French anarcho-syndicalists of CNT-AIT (F) (French section of the International Workers Association) in Toulouse participated on November 24 in a day of protest, organized by the movement of « yellow vests », which opposes the increase in fuel prices and the high cost of living in […]

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