CNT-AIT texts in english

We are anarchosyndicalist and proud of it !

Original in French : Anarchosyndicaliste et fier de l’être The current development of the movement in France against the new pension law, once again unfortunately confirms the « loser logic » that permeates all the social movement in France. Both the trade union leaderships – supposed to represent the workers – and the parliamentarians (Deputies and […]

Movement against pension reforms in France : an example of mobilization in a rural school district

Original in French : Un exemple de mobilisation dans une cité scolaire rurale In 2020 the President Macron / Prime Minister Philippe government tried to privatize our pay-asyou- go pension system. At that time, in a school district in the Gers (rural province in the south west of France), several teachers, tired of the […]

Reform or Revolution? (About the movement against the pension reform in France)

Original in French : Réforme ou Révolution ? It’s been a long time since a government project has provoked such social mobilization in France. Three, four million demonstrators. It is enormous. The French are very angry. More than eighty percent of the workers are, according to the official polling institutes, opposed to the reform of […]

مرگ بر جمهوری اعدام – به یاد دو جانفشان آزاداندیش #یوسفمهراد و #صدراللهفاضلی_زارعDeath to the Republic of Executions – in memory of two freethinkers heroes #YousefMehrad and #Sadrollah_Fazeli_Zare

پی‌یر – ژوزف پرودون سه شکل از خودبیگانگی (alienation) را تمیز می‌داد: دین ( از خودبیگانگی عقل)؛ دولت (از خودبیگانگی اراده) و مالکیت (از خودبیگانگی بدن‌). هر سه شکل از خودبیگانگی‌ها مانند سه حلقه تودرتو به یکدیگر وابسته و متصل‌اند و رهایی انسان با وجود آن‌ها ممکن نیست. برگرفته از لغت‌نامه پرودون – صفحه ۴۳۲ […]

Don’t forget the brave Afghan, Iranian and Pakistani women for their struggle against fascist regimes and patriarchy on International Working Women’s Day

The Workers Solidarity Federation, friends of IWA in Pakistan will participate to the Aurat March (Urdu: عورت مارچ or عورت احتجاج, English: « Women’s March ») in Karachi the 12th of March : « Don’t forget the brave afghan, Iranian and Pakistani women for their struggle against fascist regimes and patriarchy on International Working Women’s Day. Let’s hope […]


Kirill Ukraintsev, secretary of the Courier delivery workers’ union, was arrested in April 2022 following a very popular strike movement in Moscow[1]. Since then he has been kept in prison, in defiance of Russian law which limits preventive deprivation of liberty to a maximum of 6 months, his trial being constantly postponed and sent to […]

From revolutionary syndicalism to anarchosyndicalism: The birth of the International Workers Association (AIT-IWA)

Pamphlet, 64 pages. You can download the PDF here: To receive the paper version send an email to with your address or write to CNT-AIT, 7 rue St Remesy, 31000 TOULOUSE, FRANCE Table of Contents From revolutionary syndicalism to anarchosyndicalism: The birth of the International Workers Association (IWA) in Berlin, 1922 AIT-IWA’s founding […]

From revolutionary syndicalism to anarchosyndicalism: The birth of the International Workers Association (IWA) in Berlin, 1922 [Arthur Lehning]

[1] Lecture delivered at the Congress on Anarchosyndicalism organized by the Instituto di Storia Contemporánea del Movimento Opéralo e Contadino, Ferrara, 1977 Before the First World War, revolutionary syndicalism was largely assimilated to that of the French CGT, it considered in some way a model for several organizations in other countries, all of which approved […]

AIT-IWA’s founding congress twice interrupted by German police

Source : When the anarchosyndicalist international, AIT-IWA held its foundation congress at the turn of the years 1922-1923, it was against a background of great upheavals. World War I had ended a few years earlier, a war which was immediately followed by widespread revolutionary movements in a number of countries, setting lasting trends in […]

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