SUDAN: first results of the solidarity campaign, it will continue untill all sudanese anarchists have shelter

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Since April 13, 2023, a civil war between two factions of the Sudanese army (the official army and the Rapid Support Forces, RSF) is ravaging Sudan.

This war is fueled by opposing geostrategic interests (Ukraine, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey on the army side, Russia and the United Arab Emirates on the RSF side) on a country occupying a geostrategic position (control of the sources of the Nile, control of the Red Sea and trade through the Suez Canal).

But much more, it is a war between two counter-revolutionary factions who wish to crush the Sudanese people who dared to rise up against the Islamist dictatorship then against the military dictatorship and dared to set up an organization of society civil society in a horizontal way, via the Revolutionary Committees. (On the Sudanese Revolution, read: SUDAN 2022: LESSONS FOR ANARCHISM,

The young anarchist companions of Sudan participate in the revolutionary movement. As such, they are among the victims of the horrible crimes that strike all those who dare to resist the armed factions.

In previous issues of our newspaper « Anarchosyndicalisme ! », we launched a call for solidarity with our African companions, a call which was heard in France and more widely internationally. The appeal was notably translated into Chinese, Indonesian, Czech, English, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic, etc. … It was relayed by other groups, solidarity debates were organized in Caen or recently in Clermont-Ferrand by the Ephémère library. Other solidarity debates are planned in Ambert, in the North, etc.

We have already collected more than 3,300 euros (list below), which has already been transferred to the Sudanese companions.

In a message received in June, the companions from Sudan told us:

“We were able to shelter 6 companions. They are now safe in Ethiopia, Rwanda and Kenya. There are a few of us who still remain in Sudan. We will coordinate to continue our liberation activities from abroad [because the situation here is too dangerous]. You supported us very strongly, you saved the lives of our companions who were in very dangerous regions. We hope your support does not stop. Every day we suffer, but my attachment to the ideas and to anarchism continues to grow. Long live solidarity! »

We have since carried out an interview with the companions, in which they share their situation, their difficulties and their hopes. This interview can be read online here:

INTERVIEW WITH A SUDANESE ANARCHIST COMPANION : « We do not support any of the parties engaged in the war ; we want it to be stopped immediately. »

The solidarity campaign continues. We have at your disposal a leaflet presenting the campaign: “UNDERSTANDING THE CONFLICT IN SUDAN, ACT IN SOLIDARITY AGAINST THE WAR” (in French). You can either download it ( or receive it in paper format by writing to CNT-AIT, 7 rue St Rémésy 31000 TOULOUSE.

Your donations can either be bank transfer (contact us at to know our bank details ), or via the electronic platform: (please validate “Sending ‘money to an individual’ to pay less bank charges) Send an email to to inform us of the donation and also so that we can keep you informed of its use.

First Sudan Solidarity List:

Catherine B. (30), Jean S. (50), Benoit G. (50), Placer T. (50), Sol (50), Gladys (50), Maurice M. (15), Marten de J. ( 250), Chantal B. (50), Catherine B. (45), Gérard D. (20), Luca T. (10), Collective Solidarity Caen (200), Kurdish Anarchist Forum (200), Sylvie and Michel Q. (50), Lionel D. (10), Joe K. (25), Sanjeevi N. (44.81), Chinese Anarchists (20), David T. (27.76), Erik B. (50), Regis W. (100), Xavier V.W. (5), Antoine D. (50), AIT-IWA Asia (585.08), Chinese Anarchists (25), Chinese Anarchists (5), Odile and Miguel O. (50), Gorka R.H. (100), Sylvain B . (50), Dominique C. (20), Fréderic B. (100), English section of AIT – SOLFED (562.59), Marlene A. (10), Mara O. (30), Pierre Z. (15), Herr K. (25), Editions Rouges et Noir (100), Maria Josefa (30), Konstantin (100), Peter J. (30), Roman D. (50), Alexandra M. (5) , Cornelis H. (20), Stéphane G. (300)

TOTAL: 3650.24 Euros (up to 30/06/2024)


Article from the magazine “Anarchosyndicalisme !”,number 187

You can download this issue online:

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You can also receive it in paper format upon simple request by email to or by writing to CNT-AIT, 7 rue St Rémésy 31000 TOULOUSE

If you wish to support it by subscribing, €10 for one year, €20 and more in solidarity, write to the same address


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