The clashes in Sudan which for eight months now have pitted the Sudanese army of General al-Burhan against the RSF (Rapid Support Forces) of General Mohamed Hamdan are increasing in intensity, amid the general indifference of international public opinion. . Yet real barbarism is also at work in the Horn of Africa.
The two factions’ war for power, unleashed in April 2023, is responsible for the world’s largest internal displacement crisis, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
Six months after the start of the conflict in Sudan, the country now has more than 7.1 million internally displaced people according to the IOM.
Now the fighting has reached Wad Madani, a city of shelter for tens of thousands of displaced people.
The fighting has reached the town of Wad Madani, the second-largest of the country, since Friday December 15, 2023. The state capital of al-Jazeera province has been welcoming tens of thousands of displaced people for months. There are 270,000 people in need of assistance, according to the United Nations. Wad Madani is located only 180 km from Khartoum the capital and is a strategic location that the RSF seeks to dominate.
Rapid Support Forces already have four major towns and 25 villages in eastern al-Jazeera state in their possession. Dominating Wad Madani, a city which, in addition to its economic and demographic weight, has acquired strategic importance allows them to expand their military and political influence.
Wad Madani is in fact located between Khartoum, Darfur and Kordofan. It is vital for supplying ammunition and fuel for the FSR. Having it in their possession allows them to improve their situation and have greater influence in possible future negotiations.
The city is also home to one of the most important military bases in the country: the army land forces command. On Monday, December 18, the two belligerents claimed in turn to have had control over this basis but the information was impossible to verify from an independent source.
According to several sources, Abu Akla Kikel, a former army officer at the head of the al-Jazeera shield forces, is leading this operation. He recently joined the RSF with all this force. Its members are mainly from the state of al-Jazeera.
In a statement on social media, the paramilitaries claimed to have taken control of, among other things, “the army’s first infantry division in Wad Madani”. The army, for its part, assured that “the security situation in the state of al-Jazeera has stabilized”, calling on residents “not to leave their homes”.
Residents and refugees are caught in the crossfire and the situation has made any exit from Wad Madani very complicated, which worries the United Nations and humanitarian aid authorities.
the Sudanese anarchist comrades who had left Karthoum to seek shelter in Wad Madani are once again under fire from the two factions thirsty for blood and power. We mourn the rape and barbaric murder of our compañera Sarah by the Rapid Security Forces.
The situation worsened after the Rapid Support Forces entered Al-Jazeera State. Today, thousands of displaced families, children and women suffer from a lack of medicine, housing and food.
While some comrades want weapons to defend themselves, our anarchist compañeros insist on remaining neutral and staying as far away as possible from war between the parties, both of which are equally harmful to the population.
The companions are now helping to prepare tent camps for refugees, as well as health units for children.
More than ever our anarchist companions of Sudan are calling for solidarity. This starts by informing your friends, your colleagues, your family, whether by discussing, by broadcasting information on the current situation in Sudan on social networks or by distributing leaflets (see at the end of the article ) in markets or in your stairwells. The world needs to know what is happening in Sudan. [for French speaking people A good source of information is the independent Franco-Sudanese media Sudfa media (https://www.facebook.com/sudfamedia) ]
You can also contribute to financial solidarity either via the PayPal electronic platform https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/cntait1 (be sure to validate “Sending money to a friend” to pay fewer bank fees) or by checks in Euro made payable to CNT-AIT (Sudan solidarity wording on the back) sent at CNT-AIT 7 rue St Rémésy 31000 TOULOUSE.
Let’s not abandon the anarchists of Sudan!
Solidarity and mutual aid make us stronger!
The soldiers in the barracks and the militias (janjawid) must disband
No negotiation, no partnership, no bargaining
Against war
Power is the power of the people
#السلام والحرية والتضامن
Peace, freedom and solidarity
Sudanese anarchists gathering Sudan and CNT-AIT France
Solidarity leaflet to download by clicking here
A video from The Guardian, that give a good summary of the situation in Sudan