
April 13-16, International Days of Solidarity in Defense of the CNT-AIT. Stop the attacks against anarcho-syndicalism in Spain!
Over the last few years, the Spanish Section of a federation name CIT has been trying to destroy the anarcho-syndicalist organization CNT-AIT, with the aid of the Spanish State. It has brought huge suits against the organization, initiated without the vote of its own membership.
The Spanish affiliate of CIT is trying to bankrupt CNT-AIT and take possession of some premises, evicting people and closing down offices in different parts of Spain. On several occasions they have used violents in attempts to evict people.
Over the last few years, the Spanish Section of a federation name CIT has been trying to destroy the anarcho-syndicalist organization CNT-AIT, with the aid of the Spanish State. It has brought huge suits against the organization, initiated without the vote of its own membership.
Jornadas en defensa de la CNT-AIT, 13-16 de abril. ¡Basta de ataques contra el anarcosindicalismo en España!
¡CNT-CIT, basta de represiones judiciales contra nuestrxs compañerxs! ¡Dejen de intentar destruir el anarcosindicalismo! ¡Estamos en defensa de la CNT-AIT frente a vuestros ataques! Dias en defensa de la CNT-AIT, 13-16 de abril.