October 2020, from ZSP-AIT information and mainstream medias
In Poland, under pressure from religious and conservatives, women’s rights have just experienced a further decline. Indeed, at the initiative of ultra-Catholic organizations, the Constitutional Court has banned abortion in cases of foetal malformation. It was one of only three cases allowed (along with rape and incest) by Polish law, one of the most restrictive in Europe.
The ruling “Law and Justice Party” is taking advantage of the pandemic to push through this very unpopular measure, knowing that all gatherings of more than 5 people are prohibited.
But opponents have nevertheless decided to show their determination by defying the ban and increasing signs of resistance. Better than virtual networks, it is in the public space that defenders of abortion appear, showing inventiveness and originality: on their balconies. They hang posters against the anti-abortion bill, and also black umbrellas. Symbol of the Polish women’s struggle for the right to abortion since major demonstrations at the end of 2016.

“The Polish government is dealing with a bill that it was forced to reject years ago because we protested,” said Ola Glowicka, who lives in Warsaw. “So we show them that even if we are stranded at home, they cannot beat us. I, for example, put posters on my windows. And I also sent 276 emails to MPs telling them my opposition to the bill.”
Since the court’s decision was announced, thousands of protesters have been blocking the centre of major cities in Poland by occupying several downtown intersections, crippling traffic. The demonstrators held up placards with slogans such as “Women’s Hell”, “You have blood on your hands”, “We want a choice”, or “its war!” Strajk Kobiet movement calls for women’s strike: “It’s really impressive. We share hundreds of photos, videos. This is the only way, we cannot negotiate with the ruling party.”
Friday, October 23, despite the rain and in defiance of the strict measures to ban gatherings in the name of the fight against the coronavirus, at least 10,000 people demonstrated in Warsaw in the evening, in order to express their anger after the quasi-delegation total abortion, decided the day before by the Constitutional Court. Gatherings were held in other provincial towns, such as Lodz, where our companions from the ZSP-AIT, the polish section took part.

October 26, 2020, ZSP-AIT, Łódź
On Thursday, October 22, the Constitutional Court issued a disgraceful sentence forcing women in this country to bear extremely deformed foetuses that could not survive on their own outside the mother’s body.
Mass protests against the sadism of the authorities, the church and the fanatical right are sweeping through Poland.
The protesters include Activists of the Union of Syndicalists of Poland (ZSP-AIT).
We are there because it is our duty to be in solidarity with women who are barbarously deprived of the right to decide about their own body and life.
We are there because, as syndicalists, we fight for the freedom and dignity of all female workers, emphasizing that the right to abortion is one of the elements of women’s emancipation.
Solidarity is our weapon!
Revolution is a woman!
Union of Syndicalists Polish Section Łódź, AIT-AIT