23 August 2020, CNT-AIT, Catalunya, https://www.nodo50.org/cntcatalunya
The union section of the CNT-AIT in the « L’Arboç » retirement home is in conflict with the management, because the latter refuses to recognize the CNT-AIT section. The management tried to buy off our activists by offering them to participate in the union elections on a list put together by the management. The CNT-AIT refused, because by principle it does not take part in the union elections. Spanish law allows union sections to act in the company, even if they do not participate in union elections. But the management of the company refuses to discuss with the union section. Below is a letter to management reminding them of the right to organize and offering them a trade union rights’ course, at a fair and friendly price.

From the union section of the CNT-AIT of the “L’Arborç” retirement home
To the Direction of this company,
Barcelona, August 05, 2020
This union section is sending you this letter again following your letter dated July 25, sent to the compañera Mrs. Gillermina G. as a colleague who represents us among the workers. We provide the following details:
In connection with your aforementioned letter, given the way the company’s Direction expressed itself in the said courier, we deduce that it would be useful for you to seek advice from the law firm that you mention before sending us a new letter, because we think you are confusing Union Elections with Union Sections. For your convenience, we inform you that the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT-AIT) organizes training courses in trade union rights in case you are interested; for companies, these courses are paying, but for you we are sure that we will agree to give you a fair and friendly price. Otherwise find out in the Spanish Official Bulletin among other things about the provisions that regulate the activity of Unions.
As on other occasions, we renew our request to hold a meeting with the management to discuss the issues and rights that concern us as workers of this Residence and that you do not respect, and for which you have always responded with silence. We point out that the workers were up to the task during the coronavirus pandemic situation, as the manager Mrs. Ana Morales can confirm. We express our disappointment at the zero presence in this entire health emergency situation of the manager Mr. Miguel Sánchez, whom we did not see at the Residence, while he communicated to the relatives of the residents that they were going well and even played dominoes. Thank you Mr. Miguel Sánchez for your example.
We inform you that Mrs. Isabel M., due to the excess of monthly hours, will take the Wednesdays of her long week, to compensate the hours, according the Branch Agreement.
We also inform you that Mrs. Yovanna M. will take the Fridays of her short week for the same reasons as Mrs. Isabel.
With all that is indicated in this letter and in what was mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, we ask once again to meet with you and our union advisers to harmonize the differences that may exist. We are at your disposal.
Yours sincerly, this union section and its representatives.

[Spain] Against wage insecurity in retirement homes and nursing HOMES!
– Excessive working hours
– Lack of staff
– Lack of means of mobility for the seniors
– Corruption of the works council with management
– Violations of the fundamental rights of patients
– Withdrawal of the administration from its duties
Organize and fight!
CNT-AIT Albacete