First publication online : monday 29 juin 2009
The dominant ideology, that is of the Power, want us to believe by force that electoral democracy would be the highest expression of popular sovereignty, that elections would give the Power its legitimacy.
However, the Iranians have just made this lie burst. The Iranian elections, such as all the elections, are only a joke. Elections are acceptable for the Power only when they go in its interests. People can give their voice as long as they say what the Power desire them to say. When it is no longer the case, the Power uses all the means at its disposal, any frauds and subterfuges, to keep its dominant position. Elections are only an alibi for the Power. In Iran, it is a result declared to the opposite of reality. In Europe since 2005, the Power has reiterated ballots until the results to the referendum were in conformity with the Power’s expectations (and even some time it passes directly its projects without new electoral play…).
The Iranian population, young people and less young, left burst its anger in front of this obvious lie of the Power, which thus appears in its very raw truth. What occurs in Teheran exceeds the question of the elections. Everyone knows that the election of one or another politician will change nothing fundamental. All the politicians – without exception – are a part of the Power, even if they represent forms of it of different expression. But regarding their basic principles, they all agree : for them privileges and easy life, for people, hard work, unemployment, misery and police repression.
The Power holds its legitimacy only in our passive tender with its dictatorship on the spirits. To say no, to release himself from the dominant psychological influence, no longer being afraid and revolting against this tender, are the first steps towards an emancipatory breaking-off, a first step toward revolution. In this direction, those of the Iranians who rose, and who await nothing either of the “oppositional” puppet « , show to us the way, that of the street.
In Europe, the electoral results of the last European elections show although the Power is not there more legitimate than in Iran : with 60% of abstention, the political parties – all tendencies together – do not represent anything but them. The Power has neither any legitimacy here. These parasites steal to us our lives. Only a breaking-off with this system will enable us to find our freedom and our autonomy.
We can rely only on ourselves ! Let us have confidence in our own strengths : we are all, we produce all, without our participation the system will collapses !
In solidarity with the Iranian insurrectionists, Freedom for all jailed persons !
To make a end once for all to any dictatorship of the murderous Power,
The crowd opens on the police officer’s motor bike which engulfs itself in the live mass, the acrobat who leads the humming machine is become accustomed to maltreat and hit so much people without defence that it is not wary. It does not see that today the crowd that he charges is the People, a whole People electrified by the word “freedom”.
In face of the wild henchman of the ayatollah, those – male and female – which draw aside constitute nor a trade-union or a political group and even less an « order service », like in our demos in Europe. A few minutes ago still some of these persons did not know each other. And here they are assembled in the solidarity of this massive fight. Actually nobody flees, the retreat they started is a trap which is closed again on the rough mechanized. Men and women, without another weapon then their moral strength, drawn up against the dictatorship, they reinvent spontaneously the erudite tactics of the Alexandre the great’s phalanges against the Darius ‘s scythes tanks. As in an operation of the Roman legions surrounding the Hannibal elephants, the “stickman” is catched by tens of arms and thrown on ground.
Magnanimity and intelligence of revolted people : they saw under the bestial uniform there was a young man and while its deadly weapon starts to burn the furious fists become again helpful hands, draw aside from the fire the defeated enemy and wipe its blood which runs. And these facts us speak already more than long speeches.
That occurs in Teheran and here in France the political commentators say us that this heroic people would not have other ambition than to change the head of State (This change of head being what our political economists name “democracy”, showing thereby how they contempt the People, since it would be only a change of dictator). However the Iranian masses do daily in the street,et precisely without any head, the demonstration of the Peoples’s ability to self-organize and to fight against a Power of murderers. This movement which started to the pretext of an electoral discussion put in motion something much deeper.
An element which does not mislead on the state of mind of Iranian people, it is the participation, by their word and by their acts, of the anonymous women who express their will to get rid of the choking cap of the politicians and the clerics. I saw it on my screen this 14 June : she wears neither scarf nor veil, her hair are dyed in fair and she wears a surgical mask to protect oneself of the tear gas . She is decided and goes along with her comrades. To be filmed does not import to her. What really counts for her on this day, is to show the direction and to prompt men ; « Down with the dictatorship, long life freedom ! « Two days later this other woman are genuine lioness who attacks alone a band of police officers, kicking their legs while they are hitting another women at a bus stop. When policemen men turned on this attacker, she finds refuge within the small group which reforms itself around her to protect her. All of them stay upright under the police knocks…… They and so much of others ! The young Neda shot down on the 21th of June by a murderer at the theocrats’orders. She paied of its life for the fear which s ’ seizes the Power when women enter into the fight. In this large Pantheon of the innumerable and obscure Sate and capitalism’s victims, Neda will remain forever in our memories, associated with Alexandre, this young Greek assassinated this winter by another fatal pig.
At that time our comrades in Athens wrote « Our lives do not belong to the States and its assassins ! The memory of the brothers and of the sisters, assassinated friends and comrades remain living through our fights ! We do not forget our brothers and our sisters, we do not forgive their assassins «
So it must be said loudly : the Iranian people’s fight is also our fight. What we can see in action, is nothing but this huge universal brotherhood that is gradually rising against criminals that are ruling the world and who control us. This fight will assemble us beyond the borders and boundaries. A fight shaped by what gives her its body and which will make it overcome : the Idea that one can live free, all together and with dignity, apart from the sordid plans imposed by the ideology of the domination.
In German : In Teheran und überall : Gegen die illegale Regierung – für die soziale Revolution !